SURABAYA - Regional Executive Board (Dewan Pimpinan Daerah/DPD) NasDem of Surabaya City gave an explanation about the motion of no confidence from 26 Nasdem Branch Executive Board (Dewan Pimpinan Cabang/DPC) in Surabaya. The DPC is considered not to maintain the party's dignity.

"Their steps (DPC) are not in accordance with the direction of the DPD and also do not maintain the dignity and honor of the party," said Deputy Head of Organization and Membership of the Surabaya NasDem DPD, Onny Philipus, as quoted by Antara, Sunday, March 14.

The motion of no confidence started at 18 DPC or at the sub-district level demanding transparency in the use of the NasDem Party's political aid fund (Banpol) amounting to IDR 517 million to the Chairman of the DPD NasDem Party in Surabaya City, Robert Simangunsong.

Support increased to 26 DPC and the demand is asking the NasDem Central Executive Board (Dewan Pimpinan Pusat/DPP) through the East Java Nasdem Provincial Executive Board (Dewan Pimpinan Wilayah/DPW) to remove the NasDem Chairman in Surabaya. They once visited the DPW office of the East Java NasDem Party, Arjuno Street Surabaya.

But according to Onny, the Nasdem DPD under the leadership of Robert Simangunsong for a year had been going according to the direction of the party.

If there are violations and imperfections of the existing structure, the management of the Nasdem Surabaya DPD is ready to be evaluated by the East Java DPW. The opposite is true for the DPC.

"We urge all DPD and DPC administrators to obey the NasDem Party rules and maintain the good name of the party," he said.

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