TANGERANG - Head of UPTD PPA South Tangerang City Tri Purwanto said that today the 5-year-old toddler who was allegedly molested by his mother, RH (22) will be examined by a Psychologist team to find out if there was any post-event trauma.

"Later with our psychologists to conduct an examination. So we know what trauma must be improved," said Tri Purwanto when met at the victim's house in the Pondok Betung area, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang, Monday, June 3, evening.

However, based on temporary vision, said Tri Purwanto, the victim looked cheerful and did not show any deep trauma.

"For the time being. This is our vision. In this case, the child is cheerful. But we don't know yet, because we haven't conducted an examination yet," he said

Therefore, to wait for the psychologist team to conduct an examination. So, for the time being, the victim was separated from his family and placed in the UPTD PPA security house in South Tangerang.

"In our safe house, we secure it there. Because we see the situation and conditions in his house. Right now it's crowded, so he's afraid to affect the condition of the victim," he said.

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