JAKARTA - A man with the initials BD has the heart to molest his neighbor, a girl with the initials H (13) in the Kemayoran area, Central Jakarta. Ironically, the victim is a person with a disability.

"The incident occurred when the victim wanted to snack on the suspect's place, then the suspect pulled the victim inside so that the victim was committed an obscene act or sexual intercourse," said Head of PPA Central Jakarta Metro Police, Iptu Ari Muratno to VOI, Monday, May 27.

The perpetrator's lecherous actions were carried out three times against the victim. In disclosing this case, the Central Jakarta Metro Police PPA Unit cooperates with P2TP2.

"The victim was traumatized by the incident. We referred him to the P2TP2 safe house," he said.

The perpetrator and the victim are close neighbors. The victim is also a person with a disability.

"There is still psychological assistance from us, so monitoring is how the psychological condition of the victim is indeed handling us," he said.

Currently, the suspect is in a detention cell at the Central Jakarta Metro Police. The suspect is also threatened with being charged with multiple articles on child protection.

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