YOGYAKARTA The Independent Curriculum is a curriculum that gives flexibility and focuses on essential materials to develop student competence as a student with Pancasila character. At the Secondary Education Level, the structure of the Independent Middle School curriculum is included in phase D, both for class VII, class VIII, and class IX.
Based on Article 5 paragraph (1) of the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Permendikbudristek) Number 12 of 2024 concerning Curriculum in Early Childhood Education, Basic Education Levels, and Secondary Education Levels, what is meant by curriculum structure is the organization of competence, learning content, and the burden of learning.
Furthermore, the regulation defines competence as a unified attitude, skills, and knowledge that shows students' abilities as a result of the learning process.
The learning content is the material arrangement or content conveyed in the learning process, including attitudes, skills, and knowledge that are expected to be mastered by students in accordance with learning needs.
Meanwhile, the study burden is defined as an allocation of learning time to achieve the competence of students.
Well, at the junior high school level, the structure of the Merdeka Curriculum is divided into two types of learning, including:
Intracurricular learning is a lesson that is attended by students in the classroom. Intracuricularly contains competence, the content of massage, and the burden of learning. Competency is formulated in the form of Learning Achievements (CP).
Meanwhile, kokcuricular learning is project-based learning as an effort to realize the profile of Pancasila students. The allocation of this learning time is 25 percent of the total student hours (JP) per year.
Technical implementation of kokuricular learning prioritizes flexibility, both in terms of subject loading and time allocation. When viewed in terms of content, this learning must refer to the Pancasila Profile CP which is in accordance with the student phase.
The Pancasila Profile CP does not have to be the same as the intracurricular learning CP. If reviewed in terms of time, its implementation could refer to the total project JP for all subjects with the working time of each project not necessarily the same.
Several other rules related to the structure of the Independent Curriculum of SMP, namely:
That's information about the structure of the Independent Curriculum of SMP. Get news updates on other options only on VOI.ID.
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