JAKARTA - Head of the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) of Johan Pahlawan District, West Aceh Regency, Marhascheduled that the marriage of two Rohingya ethnic couples in a temporary shelter at the West Aceh Regent's Office Complex in Meulaboh, on Friday, May 17, was an illegal act that did not comply with the rules and regulations in force in Indonesia.

"The marriage of the Rohingya ethnicity is not in accordance with Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage," said Marhascheduling, quoted from ANTARA, Sunday, May 19.

He said that the marriage of the two Rohingya ethnic couples, Zainal Tullah, with Azizah, and Zahed Huseen and Rofias, was allegedly carried out not in accordance with the marriage procedures commonly regulated in Islamic teachings, and the marriage was led by Jabir as the ustadz among the Rohingya.

In addition, he said, one of the married couples is still 18 years old, so that by law every woman or citizen under 19 years old must obtain permission from the court to get married.

Another rule that was violated in the marriage, said Marhaschedul, was that apart from not reporting the marriage to KUA as the official government authority in charge of marriage and religious activities, the marriage was also not regulated in Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage.

In the marriage law, he said, the government has clearly regulated the rules for marriage between foreigners and Indonesian citizens (WNI). Meanwhile, the rules for marriage for foreigners and foreigners so far do not exist.

So that his party ensures that the marriage is illegal because it is not in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations.

"They are refugees without an identity, they do not have a passport. Even if we ask for marriage requirements, including population documents, surely these Rohingya residents do not have documents, so we cannot record marriages," said Marhascheduled.

Contacted By UNHCR

Marhaschedur juga mengakui beberapa hari sebelum prosesi pernikahan dua pasangan etnis Rohingya tersebut, KUA Johan Pahlawan, Kabupaten Aceh Barat juga sudah dihubungi oleh petugas UNHCR dan pihaknya telah memberikan persyaratan untuk menikah termasuk menyerahkan identitas kependudukian yang dijemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, sehingga nantinya bisa diproses.

However, until the Rohingya pair got married, until now the requested requirements have not been met.

"It is impossible for the Rohingya family to succeed in fulfilling the requirements for marriage according to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, because at least the married couple must be 18 years old plus one day old and there must be a court permit, they also do not have official residence documents," said Marhascheduled.

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