JAKARTA - The Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, is reviewing the COVID-19 vaccination for the elderly. Bobby wants to make sure the COVID-19 vaccination process goes according to plan.

"I returned to visit the vaccinations for the elderly who are at the Medan Tuntung District Public Health Center (puskesmas) to ensure that the implementation goes according to plan", said Bobby who visited the Medan Tuntung and Medan Belawan puskesmas, Monday, March 8.

Until now, there are 600 elderly people who have been injected with the COVID-19 vaccine. Bobby Nasution is grateful that Medan residents did not experience any symptoms after being vaccinated.

"Thank God, so far there are no vaccine recipients who experience side effects", he said.

He also prayed for his citizens who were vaccinated against COVID-19 to stay healthy. "Hopefully, the people of Medan who have received the vaccine can continue to be healthy and have a long life", said Bobby.

During the visit, Bobby chatted with the head of the Tuntung Public Health Center, Dr. Helena Rugun Nainggolan. Bobby advised the Puskesmas to improve services for the people of Medan.

"Prioritize services to the community. People need excellent service and with a heart", said Bobby to the Puskesmas officers quoted from the statement of the Medan City Government.

Meanwhile, Dr. Helena has already vaccinated health workers. Since last week, the COVID-19 vaccination has been carried out for elderly residents.

"Until now, we have vaccinated around 600 elderly citizens. So far there have been no side effects. We are giving vaccines to 95 year olds that are safe. All are enthusiastic about getting the vaccine", said Dr. Helen who confirmed that the vaccine stock at Medan City Government was safe.

After hearing the explanation from Dr. Helena, Bobby greets the residents. Bobby Nasution complied with the request of residents who wanted to take pictures with him.

"This is our ideal Medan mayor, who wants to come to meet the community", said a resident.

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