The North Sumatra Police (North Sumatra) arrested two men with the initials LP alias J (45) and AA alias L (57) who were suspected of stealing Rp150 million from the Langkat General Election Commission (KPU) operational funds.

"The evidence in the form of the perpetrator's clothes recorded by the surveillance camera (CCTV), two cellphones and motorbikes used during the action were also secured," said Director of Criminal Investigation at the North Sumatra Police Kombes Sumaryono in Medan as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 18.

The perpetrator is a recidivist who has committed a similar act. The joint team moved after receiving instructions from the victim and surveillance footage.

Officers arrested the LP on Jalan Kongsi, Medan on Wednesday (17/12) who acted as the captain of the gang, arranged the action and served as a situation monitor.

Then from the results of the development, personnel arrested AA today on Jalan Pendidikan, Bandar Klippa who acted as the executor who damaged the car door with a T key.

Meanwhile, the third perpetrator, IN alias I, is known to have fled to the Riau Police area. His party is still pursuing other perpetrators and coordinating with the ranks in the Riau area.

"The perpetrators used the tire kinging mode, broken the glass, and damaged the victim's car door," he said.

Currently, the two perpetrators have been handed over to the Langkat Police Satreskrim for further legal proceedings. In addition to completing the administration of the investigation, the police will continue to hunt down the perpetrators who are still at large.

"We hope the public is more vigilant when bringing large amounts of money," said Sumaryono.

Previously, the disclosure of this case began with a report by the Langkat KPU staff Santi Hariati. The incident occurred on November 26, 2024, when the victim parked his car on Jalan Perniagaan, Stabat, Langkat Regency.

The victim and the witness went down to buy mixed ice. Before long, the car alarm sounded, and the victim found the car door had been damaged. The Rp150 million that was stored under the driver's seat was lost.

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