JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that he would enforce the law on illegal parking attendants who still collect parking rates at minimarkets.
This is based on the results of the coordination between the Transportation Agency and the DKI Satpol PP and the police.
"In the future, this is what we are coordinating to enforce the law, where because from the results of the discussion, this activity is included in the risk of minor criminal acts," Syafrin told reporters, Wednesday, May 8.
Syafrin targets that next week the prosecution team will go to the field to supervise and impose sanctions on illegal jukir in minimarkets who are still stubborn in collecting tariffs for residents who carry vehicles.
"We are coordinating, not only from the Satpol PP, but also colleagues from the court and also from the prosecutor's office to jointly participate as a team for on-site hearings," he said.
In addition, Syafrin also asked the community to help by reporting the location of minimarkets with illegal jukir who were still collecting parking fees.
The complaint can be made through the CRM platform (community response speed), one of which is through the JAKI application.
On that occasion, Syafrin emphasized that the provisions for parking in minimarkets were free of charge. Because, it is a facility that has been provided by minimarket managers.
"Indeed, in some minimarket places there are already free parking writing. However, there are people who continue to use it by the manager, it is said that they are free. They manage and then force the public to pay for parking," said Syafrin.
However, there are exceptions to minimarkets located in one shop area/ruko. Usually, there is the management of Dishub parking that collects parking rates for vehicles entering the area.
"In the shophouses that have been collected for parking, there will still be parking payments, because there is already a local one with shophouses there that have been carried out, normal parking is applied," he added.
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