JAKARTA - PKS Faction Leader Al Muzzamil Yusuf criticized the National Education Roadmap (PJPN) proposed by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) regarding the loss of religious phrases in the draft.

"We give notes on the concept of the education road map proposed by the Ministry of Education and Culture which has been discussed by Commission X of the DPR, and the Ministry of Education and Culture said it would form a Presidential Decree," said Muzammil during an interruption at the opening plenary session of the IV DPR session at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, March 8.

The legislator for the Lampung electoral district explained that there were two notes highlighted by the PKS faction, namely the technical and substance issues of the PJPN.

"We want to remind the Ministry of Education and Culture to refer to Law 15 of 2019 concerning amendments to Law 12 of 2011, namely that the Presidential Decree may only be issued by orders of laws and government regulations. In addition, the Presidential Decree cannot be made," said the member of Commission I of the DPR.

From the substance aspect, Muzammil said, since the beginning, the PJPN concept proposed by the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim was difficult to contradict the Law and the Constitution.

"That is article 31 paragraph 3, which is a product of reform. An example when the Minister of Education and Culture mentions that in the PJPN, the profiles of Pancasila students quoted from the constitution and the National Education System Law are only moral and intellectual aspects,"

"Whereas the basis of the Law on Reform products Article 33 and Law 2020-2023 clearly quoted in full, it states that the government will approve and implement a national education system that increases faith and piety and noble character and makes the life of the nation regulated by law," said Muzammil.

Muzammil assessed that the Ministry of Education and Culture since the beginning of the formation of PJPN has been out of the mandate. His party is worried that the mindset of the so-called PJPN does not refer to the spirit of the constitution and the education law.

"Because it is against the technicalities and substance, we ask the leadership to ask the Ministry of Education and Culture to revoke the PJPN because the technicalities are against the law while the technicalities are against the constitution," he said.

Responding to the interruption of members of the PKS faction, member of Commission X DPR from the PDIP faction Esti Wijayati clarified that there was no Presidential Decree plan proposed by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

"I need to convey that regarding PJPN there is no Presidential Decree and the current position is still in the drafting stage," said Esti.

He explained that the PJPN discussion was still being revised at the education commission.

"Commission X through the Working Committee is providing notes as an improvement to the draft given by the Ministry of Education and Culture," explained Esti.

"So hopefully it won't be wrong because there is no revocation, because there is indeed a discussion," he continued.

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