JAKARTA - Indonesia regrets the failure of the UN Security Council to agree on a draft resolution related to the full membership of the United Nations for Palestine, after the United States used veto rights in a vote at the United Nations Headquarters, New York, Thursday.
"Indonesia deeply regrets the failure of the UN DK for the umpteenth time in ratifying a resolution regarding the full membership of Palestine at the United Nations, because it is veto by one of the Permanent Members of the UN DK," said a spokesman for the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lalu M Iqbal in his statement Friday, April 19.
Palestine is currently a member observer state, a de facto recognition of the state status granted by the UN General Assembly in 2012. However, the request to become a full member of the United Nations must be approved by the Security Council and must at least be approved by two-thirds of the member states of the General Assembly.
"The progress towards full Palestinian membership has stalled since Palestine gained the status of a UN observer state in 2012, despite the full support of the majority of UN member countries," said Iqbal.
The council vetoed a draft resolution recommending to the 193-member UN General Assembly for "Palestinian countries to be accepted as members" of the United Nations. In fact, the draft received the support of 12 other council member states, while Britain and Switzerland chose abstain.
"This Veto once again betrays the shared aspirations to create long-term peace in the Middle East," explained Iqbal.
"Indonesia reaffirms its support for full Palestinian membership at the United Nations, which will provide Palestine with the appropriate position among countries and equal standing in the peace process towards achieving a two-state solution," he said.
It is known that the UN Security Council has long supported the vision of two countries coexisting within safe and recognized boundaries. Palestine wants a state in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip, all territory captured by Israel in 1967.
1️⃣ Indonesia sangat menyesalkan kegagalan DK PBB untuk kesekian kalinya dalam mengesahkan resolusi mengenai keanggotaan penuh Palestina di PBB, dikarenakan veto oleh salah satu Anggota Tetap DK PBB.
— MoFA Indonesia (@Kemlu_RI) April 19, 2024
1' Indonesia deeply regrets the failure of the UN DK for the umpteenth time in ratifying a resolution regarding the full membership of Palestine at the United Nations, due to veto by one of the Permanent Members of the UN DK.
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