YOGYAKARTA Someone who innovates and develops in his work and life, has creativity. Development and productivity, which often trigger burnouts, can be done in harmony with mental health. Business consultants and writers of Tracking Wonder: Reclaiming a Life of Meaning in a World Obsessed with Productivity, Jeffrey Davis, MA. said that dealing with nature enhances innovation in everyday life. Recent research underscores, nature not only maintains prosperity but also increases creative thinking in a way that we have never previously realized.

Busy and last-time productive people's activities make it easy for us to ignore the existing potential. Daily innovations are about finding new and creative ways to solve problems, both in our work and in our daily lives. According to Davis, this does not require major breakthroughs or complicated solutions. It only needs to make minor intentional changes based on inspiration from the world around us.

Patterns and natural structures can inspire everyday innovation in technology and our lives. A 2024 study published in Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts found that exposure to fractal patterns can improve cognitive performance, making us more proficient in finding solutions to complex problems. Fractal patterns are such interesting natural patterns that not only help stimulate the brain but increase problem solving and creative thinking.

Being creative, can only be seen by looking at nature, either directly or through images, can improve the ability to solve problems. Launching Psychology Today, Sunday, January 5, the effects of natural recovery not only reduce stress but also increase our cognitive capacity to innovate. By interacting with nature regularly, we can improve our ability to think creatively in all aspects of our lives.

In Davis's research, the work of groups carried out in nature, such as guided workshops in nature or awareness exercises focused on natural patterns, helped the team get new ways to think and work together. This experience deepens their relationship not only with nature but also with each other, triggering innovation that feels organic, aligned, and sustainable.

Incorporating routines in everyday life, doesn't have to be complicated. This can be as simple as adding plants to your workspace. This is evidenced in research, that decorating a room with plants improves the welfare and creative thinking of these room users. Plants with fractal patterns, such as certain propagating plants, offer additional benefits, improve our relationship with nature and stimulate our minds, even when we are not consciously focused on these plants.

Plus, adopting the practice of caring observations in nature, can help us find fresh ideas. One of Davis's initiated methods, called the Whale*Gaze*Prise technique. To be creative, you don't need to be an artist or physicist adopting fractal patterns into recent works of art or technology. But simply by practicing outdoor consciousness, it can foster consistent inspiration for innovation in work or everyday life.

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