JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) wants the Indonesian Air Force (AU) to grow stronger in order to carry out its mandate as a guardian of state sovereignty.
This was said by TNI Marshal Mohamad Tonny Harjono after being inaugurated as Air Force Chief of Staff (KSAU) at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, Friday, April 5.
"The president wants a strong AU. That doesn't mean we want to scare the enemy, it doesn't mean we want war with neighboring countries, but a strong AU is an force that can maintain stability and security in the region," he said, confiscated by Antara.
Marshal Tonny is committed to continuing the policies that have been entrusted by previous officials and evaluating various activities that have been going well.
"On this occasion, the President also said that the Air Force must be appropriate, must be strong, must be in accordance with what is contained in Law 34/2004 concerning the TNI," he said.
He said the task of the Indonesian Air Force mandated by law is to implement and maintain the sovereignty of the state in the air, enforce the law, and maintain national jurisdiction in accordance with the laws that apply nationally and internationally.
"The Indonesian Air Force is also developing air defense forces and empowering potential areas in the air. That's what the president mentioned," he said.
According to Tonny, all these mandates are a big mandate from the President that he must carry out and be held accountable.
"So we will carry out the request of the President and God willing, we will carry it out. Of course, we ask for prayers from all Indonesian people starting today as the 24th KSAU," said Tonny.
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