JAKARTA - Investigators of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) of the Attorney General's Office have named the former General Manager (GM) of PT Antam Abdul Hadi Aviciena (AHA) as a suspect in the alleged corruption case of abuse of authority in the sale of precious metals at the Mulia Metal Boutique in Surabaya 01 Antam.

The determination of the new suspect after Budi Said was carried out after the examination of witnesses at Jampidsus, Attorney General's Office, Jakarta, Thursday, February 1.

According to Kuntadi, of the 7 witnesses examined today, one witness was raised as a suspect.

"One of them is brother AHA, as a former general manager for the 2018 period," Kuntadi said as quoted by ANTARA.

After an intensive examination, said Kuntadi, investigators concluded that there was enough evidence to increase AHA's status as a suspect.

The evidence was found from the determination of the previous suspect, namely Budi Said on Thursday (18/1).

Kuntadi explained, in this case AHA, who in 2018 served as GM PT Antam, agreed with Budi Said to make a sale and purchase transaction of Antam's precious metal outside the existing mechanism.

"AHA as GM Antam several times met brother BS (Budi Said) in order to arrange the precious metal transaction that will be carried out by BS," he explained.

From the meeting it was agreed that transactions would be carried out outside the existing mechanism, intended to get convenience, cut off the pattern from Antam against the entry and entry of precious metals and included in it to get as if the discount price given by Antam was.

In addition, AHA also made a report engineering to cover the lack of stock in the Surabaya 1 Antam Boutique.

"In order to cover up the gold handover to suspect BS which was carried out outside the existing mechanism. Suspect AHA made a report that seemed to show a lack of gold stock as a natural thing," said Kuntadi.

As a result of the suspect's actions, Antam suffered a loss of 1,136 kg or equivalent to Rp1.2 trillion.

Investigators ensnared the suspect in violating the provisions of Article 2 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of the Corruption Act in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

For the purposes of the investigation, the suspect AHA was detained for the next 20 days at the Salemba Rutan at the South Jakarta District Attorney's Office.

Previously, on Thursday (18/1), investigators named Crazy Rich Surabaya Budi Said as a suspect in the alleged corruption case of abuse of authority in the sale of precious metals in the Mulia Metal Boutique, Surabaya 01 Antam.

This corruption crime was carried out by Budi Said together with a number of employees of PT Antam with the initials AP, EK and MD, as well as one other person with the initials EA.

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