JAKARTA Three perpetrators of the shooting of Yudha Bagus Setiawan that occurred in Colomadu, Karanganyar, Central Java have been arrested. The Director General of Criminal Investigation at the Central Java Police, Kombes Johanson Ronald Simamora, explained that the arrests of the three perpetrators were carried out after examining 12 witnesses.

The three perpetrators had the initials S alias K (46) a resident of Tohudan, Colomadu, Karanganyar, DE alias ER (44) a resident of Mojosongo Boyolali, and P (43) a resident of Ngemplak, Mojosongo, Boyolali. Each suspect has a different role in the incident.

Kombes Johanson Ronald explained that the shooting case occurred on Friday, January 26, at 22:07 WIB.

"At that time the victim and a number of sharp gunmen came to a house in Tohudan Village, Colomadu. Then there was an attack and the suspect fought back by firing warning shots followed by gunfire at the victim," said Dirreskrimum in a written statement, Thursday, January 1.

The perpetrators also chased and abused the attack group. Until finally the shooting killed the victim, Yudha with a gunshot wound to the back penetrated the victim's chest.

The shooting was carried out by suspect S alias K. Meanwhile, the role of suspects DE and P was to participate in beating and kicking the victim when he was lying down, resulting in the acceleration of the victim's death.

"We are still investigating where the firearms came from. From the confession that suspect S bought the weapon from someone in Klaten for 3 million rupiah. We are still investigating who sold it," he said.

Based on the investigation and investigation process carried out, on Sunday, January 28, suspect S alias K was arrested by a joint team from the Central Java Regional Police and the Karanganyar Police at Weleri Kendal while trying to escape to Kalimantan.

"Suspect S alias K was charged with Article 338 of the Criminal Code regarding murder and Article 1 paragraph 1 of the Emergency Law no. 12 of 1951 concerning possession of illegal firearms. The threat of a sentence of 20 years and the most severe is the death penalty," he said.

Meanwhile, the other two suspects were charged with Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code concerning murder and/or Article 170 paragraph 2 3 of the Criminal Code or 351 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code concerning beatings and/or persecution that resulted in the death of a person with a maximum imprisonment of fifteen years.

The shooting was referred to as a form of resistance to the perpetrators of the attack carried out by victim Yudha and his group, on Friday, January 26.

The police secured a number of evidences including one gun, 5 casings, 1 projectile and 2 CCTV DVR and the victim's swab. The police have also examined 12 witnesses related to the incident.

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