BOGOR - DPRD Bogor City followed up on the aspirations of the Bogor City National Private Teacher Forum (FGSN) regarding the certainty of teacher admissions in the Bogor City PPPK formation.

Through Commission IV, the Bogor City DPRD through Commission IV held a working meeting with the Bogor City Education Office (Disdik) and the Personnel and Human Resources Agency (BKSDM).

In a working meeting chaired directly by the Chairman of the Bogor City DPRD, Atang Trisnanto was also attended by representatives from the Bogor City FGSN. There is a problem with the PPPK acceptance procession for the teacher formation sector in Bogor City.'

The head of the Bogor City Education Office, Irwan Riyanto, said that Bogor City is currently experiencing a shortage of teachers.

Because every month there are 20 teachers who retire. So if calculated for a year, there will be 240 teachers who retire.

With the high number of teachers retiring, based on the records of the Bogor City Education Office, currently Bogor City needs at least 647 teachers.

"We agree that Bogor City must open another formation for teachers. However, regarding the FGSN issue, the authority lies with the center and we as an official only have the authority to accept it," said Irwan in his statement, Friday, January 26.

Furthermore, the Secretary of the Bogor City BKSDM, Abdul Rahman, said that he would further study the cases proposed by FGSN specifically in the near future.

However, at the meeting, he conveyed how the process of receiving PPPK and CPNS to all participants of the work meeting.

"God willing, in the future, we will encourage PPPK and CPNS in 2024 and optimize formations for teachers," he said.

Based on the results of the meeting, Atang Trisnanto said that there were four recommendations issued by the Bogor City DPRD.

First, he assigned Commission IV of the Bogor City DPRD to write a letter of complaint from FGSN addressed to Commission II and Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives and Kemenpan-RB regarding the issue of injustice in the eradication process.

Second, he asked the Bogor City BKPSDM to provide assistance to FGSN to directly ask the Kemenpan-RB regarding problems in the recruitment process.

"This is important because with us providing assistance, we have carried out our obligations as public servants to protect every complaint from the public," said Atang Trisnanto.

Third, he asked the Bogor City Education Office to form a formulation of the needs of educators for 2024 to 2029. Later the results of the Disdik report will be reported through the Commission IV working meeting which aims to prepare a budget for the preparation of the 2025 KUA-PPAS.

Not only that, the study made by the Bogor City Education Office regarding the needs of educators, was revealed by Atang that it would be a material included in the Draft Regional Regulation (Raperda) on Teacher Protection which is planned to be discussed this year.

"God willing, our APBD does not need to accommodate the budget for Covid-19 and can allocate it to the world of education. We agree that education is one key for the progress of our country. We ask that it be included in one draft in the Raperda for Teacher Protection," explained Atang.

Fourth, Atang hopes that the three points that have been mandated to Commission IV of the Bogor City DPRD, the Bogor City Education Office and the Bogor City BKSDM can be completed within one month, except for a letter from the DPRD that must be made immediately, so that later FGSN can find other solutions if they experience a deadlock in seeking justice.

"If the FGSN struggle is stuck, please submit it to the Administrative Court and we DPRD are ready to help prepare legal assistance. I believe the City Government has the same spirit as us, it's just that because there is a division of power by the center, there are limitations of authority they have," he said.

Previously, the chairman of the Bogor City FGSN, Yayan Suyahman, had conveyed the problems that were being faced by the Bogor City FGSN to the Bogor City DPRD, recently.

During the hearing, Yayan revealed that currently the teachers are fighting for their rights because they have not received clarity regarding the acceptance of PPPK.

Even though the teachers who are members of the Bogor City FGSN have taken a series of PPPK tests and were declared to have passed based on the test results.

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