TANGERANG - The General Election Commission (KPU) of South Tangerang City (Tangsel) said the initial report of campaign funds (LADK) from the Indonesian People's Wave Party (Gelora) was worth zero rupiah. This was directly said by the South Tangerang KPU Commissioner, Ajat Sudrajat.

The South Tangerang KPU announcement letter numbered 35/PL01.7-Pu/3674/2024, stated that the initial balance of special campaign funds, receipts and expenditures of the Gelora Party was written at zero rupiah.

"We are only recipients of the report file as reported by political parties," said Ajat when confirmed, Thursday, January 18.

Ajat assessed that the campaign carried out by the Gelora Party, whether legislative candidates (Caleg) or others, used their respective personal funds.

"We also cannot urge that there must be party campaign funds. If we don't make purchases, it's up to the party," he said.

Ajat also said that related to financial transactions, it would not be a problem for his party. Because, said Ajat, his party is only an election organizer.

"If we (KPU) are only recipients of the report. We cannot direct that direction," he explained.

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