Uncontrolled Emotions, Elementary School Children Victims Of Obscenity In Bekasi Often Shout, Cry And Laugh Alone In Schools
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JAKARTA - NA, a minor victim of sexual abuse in Bekasi, is still experiencing prolonged trauma after being targeted by a child predator, his own neighbor. In fact, the victim is often hysterical because the perpetrator has not been arrested by the Bekasi City Metro Police.

"Information from his mother, the current condition of the victim is emotionally out of control. Sometimes he gets angry, cries and even laugh," said social activist Pratiwi Novianthi to VOI, Thursday, January 18.

Especially at his school, victim NA (9) was seen often alone from other friends. The victim, who is still in grade 2 of SDN, also continues to look gloomy.

"In fact, even when he (the victim) was at school, he was more alone. He didn't hang out with his other friends. So when he got to school, he was silent," said Novi, the nickname of the beautiful activist.

In addition, the prolonged impact experienced by the victim after the lecherous act of the obscene perpetrator was on the victim's personality.

"Until the victim's mother was called by the homeroom teacher. (The victim's homeroom teacher said) This is different from other children," he said.

Currently, NA victims are starting to receive social treatment from social activist Pratiwi Novianthi to recover the condition of NA victims after the sexual violence case she experienced.

Previously, cases of sexual crimes against minors had occurred again. This time, the incident of sexual violence against NA victims occurred in housing in the Babelan area, Bekasi Regency, West Java. Worse, the child predator is a neighbor near the victim's house.

The victim's family then reported the incident to the Bekasi City Metro Police Headquarters with evidence of a police report number: LP/B/2241/VIII/2023/SPKT/POLRES METRO BEKASI/POLDA MTRO JAYA, dated August 10, 2023.

But unfortunately, until this case was reported to the Bekasi Metro Police, the police had not acted more. Moreover, the perpetrator is said to be still roaming outside, free of arrest.

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