JAKARTA NA, a girl in Babelan, Bekasi Regency, West Java became a victim of sexual abuse allegedly committed by her neighbor. The victim's family has reported to the Bekasi City Metro Police Headquarters with evidence of police report number: LP/B/2241/VIII/2023/SPKT/POLRES METRO BEKASI/POLDA MTRO JAYA, dated August 10, 2023. However, until now there has been no follow-up to the case.

Based on the Report Receipt Certificate Number: STTLP/LP/B/2241/VIII/2023/SPKT/POLRES METRO BEKASI/POLDA METRO JAYA, Aryanto, the victim's family, has reported the perpetrator of the sexual abuse with the initials MR to the Bekasi City Metro Police PPA Unit. The perpetrator MR and the victim are known to live next door.

The incident began on July 25, 2023, when the victim NA told the victim's mother with the initials RG that she was withdrawn by the perpetrator and forced to go to the perpetrator's room. The incident occurred when the victim NA was buying ice at the perpetrator's shop.

"The victim was forced to take off his pants and underwear. Then the perpetrator forced the victim to hold the perpetrator's genitals," it was written in a police report received by VOI, Thursday, January 18.

In the police report, it was also explained that the perpetrator's actions against the victim were very immoral.

"After that the victim was asked to go home and given a pocket of Rp. 2,000," the statement said.

After the victim told her mother, the victim's parents complained to the head of the local RT and to the perpetrator's house to ask for accountability for his actions.

In the police report, the perpetrator also admitted to the obscene act of himself to the NA victim. The victim also made a report to the Bekasi City Metro Police officially on August 10, 2023. However, after the report was made, until January 18, 2024, the perpetrator was not arrested by the Bekasi City Metro Police.

Until now, the impact of bad psychology is still experienced by the victim for a long time due to the incident of sexual abuse by the perpetrator with the initials MR.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the Bekasi Metro Police, AKBP Erna Ruswing, has not responded when confirmed by VOI via Whatsapp message.

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