JAKARTA The polemic of campaign props (APK) that causes problems for the community, especially road users, is like a snowball effect. Unfortunately, so far no one has wanted to tame it.

A number of traffic accidents that occurred in several areas in Jakarta and a number of areas have roots in the APK that are not appropriate for installation. Inaccurate APK installation, violating regulations.

The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) claims that it has given directions to election participants to place the APK in the allowed area zone.

However, in reality, Bawaslu's directives are often violated by election participants who are still installing APKs in any place.

The chairman of the East Jakarta Bawaslu, Willem J Wetik, claims that Bawaslu and KPU have socialized and distributed softcopy of the DKI Jakarta Provincial KPU SKep No. 363 of 2023 to election participants.

"That regulates points and zones that are not allowed to install the APK," Willem said when confirmed by VOI, Thursday, January 18.

In fact, many 2024 election contestants who installed the APK did not comply with the regulations. Such as embedding the APK in trees, places of worship and others.

Even the traffic accident case in Mampang, South Jakarta, made a husband and wife (couple) fall on the asphalt until their legs were broken and their cheeks were torn. The police said the main factor of the accident was that the party flag (part of the APK) collapsed and disrupted the concentration of the victim while driving.

The chaos about the APK 'nangkring carelessly' is a common concern. Of course, this case involves a lot of attention. Moreover, the sound from the APK carries a special message in the middle of the Indonesian democratic party every five years. Unfortunately, it was not considered properly.

To overcome the problem of the APB, stakeholders pointed at each other. As if they don't want to bear the problem. Although there are efforts to solve the problem by lowering the APK, there are still authorities who don't want to be blamed.

Political Parties Or Prospectively Control The APK Installed

Bawaslu DKI said that it appealed to political parties (political parties) to control themselves campaign props (APK) in the restricted zone, following an accident in Mampang, South Jakarta on Wednesday, January 17.

"We urge parties that put up flags in the prohibited zone tomorrow so that they can organize them themselves," said DKI Jakarta Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) Violations Division Coordinator Benny Sabdo to reporters in Jakarta, Thursday, January 18.

Benny explained that his party had coordinated with the police regarding the security of the APB.

He also expressed concern for the victim of a pair of grandfather and grandmother in the Mampang area on Wednesday, January 17, at 09.45 WIB.

"Political contestation should uphold humanity," he said.

Satpol PP Asked To Order The APK

Meanwhile, Bawaslu Chairman Rahmat Bagja asked Satpol PP in each region to control the campaign props (APK) that were installed inappropriately, especially on roads that disturbed motorists.

Rahmat admitted that his party had received reports about several APKs that were installed inappropriately, even threatening the safety of the surrounding community.

"We will continue to coordinate with Satpol PP, for example in several provincial governments that will also re-coordinate, especially regarding the installation of APKs that are not in place and dangerous. We will ask Satpol PP to look back," said Bagja, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, January 17.

Bagja said Bawaslu had even intervened in controlling the APK that did not comply with the rules.

"The decline in props actually existed in the sub-district election committee, but Bawaslu did the task eventually, why because no one else lowered it," he said.

Distamhut DKI Does Not Want To Misperception

In addition, he said, removing campaign attributes in trees is sensitive and needs to coordinate with related elements such as the attribute installers, Satpol PP, kelurahan, and sub-districts.

"But this is a democratic party, we also have to discuss it together, it is coordinated so as not to cause misunderstandings or perceptions," he said.

Satpol PP Wait For Bawaslu Direction

Quoted from Suara.com, Head of the DKI Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP), Arifin, admitted that he had not received any recommendations from the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) regarding controlling Campaign Performance Equipment (APK) whose installation violated the rules. Therefore, until now the officers have not come down to carry out control.

Arifin said that his party could not unilaterally regulate the APK during this campaign period. Although there are various complaints from the public because banners, posters, and billboards are installed in public facilities that are considered disturbing by the public.

"We are still waiting for the coordination directions from Bawaslu who asked us. We just follow the provisions," said Arifin.

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