JAKARTA - In his two months of leadership, the Minister of Communication and Digital Affairs, Meutya Hafid, reaffirmed his commitment to supporting the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045 through digital transformation based on synergy and collaboration.
In achieving this vision, the Ministry of Communication and Trade has carried out three main pillars, namely meaningful connectivity, a digital ecosystem that empowers, and a secure and sovereign digital space.
As the foundation of digital transformation, the Minister of Trade has accelerated the development of digital infrastructure in the 3T region (frontier, underdeveloped, and outermost), with the construction of more than 120 BTS towers in Papua, with a target of reaching 1,000 remote villages by 2025.
In October 2024, the Minister of Trade visited Eunoni Village, NTT, to ensure inclusive digital access. In addition, Komdigi also moved quickly to deal with connectivity in disaster-affected areas, such as Mount Lewotobi which erupted in November 2024.
As for building an innovative digital ecosystem, the flagship Digital Talent Scholarship (DTS) program has trained more than 100,000 digital talents in Artificial Intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, and data analytics in 2024.
Next year, the Ministry of Communication and Industry is targeting to increase their DTS program participants to 200 thousand participants, with special attention to MSMEs.
Tidak lupa, Komdigi juga terus menjaga ruang digital yang aman dengan memblokir lebih dari 250 ribu konten judi online, ribuan rekening bank ilegal ditutup, dan akun influencer yang mempromosikan aktivitas ilegal ditindakkan selama dua bulan terakhir.
As part of child protection, Kemkomdigi together with the Ministry of PPPA are finalizing a draft Child Protection Governance regulation in the Implementation of Electronic Systems (TKPAPSE). This regulation will regulate the use of age-appropriate digital services.
The Minister of Trade continues to encourage strategic cooperation with countries to accelerate the development of technology in Indonesia and strengthen Indonesia's position as a major player in the global digital ecosystem.
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