BANDUNG - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) provides support for ready-to-use funds (DSP) worth IDR 350 million to accelerate flood disaster management in Dayeuhkolot District, Bandung Regency, West Java.

Head of BNPB Lt. Gen. Suharyanto explained that the provision of aid funds was used for the rescue phase for handling refugees during the emergency response period.

"In this initial stage, funds amounting to Rp350 million will be used for seven days. Of course, if there is a shortage, it will be added," said Suharyanto in Bandung as reported by ANTARA, Monday, January 15.

Suharyanto said that apart from DSP, BNPB also provided logistical support and equipment in the form of refugee tents, basic necessities, blankets, mattresses, electricity generators, ready-to-eat food, rubber boats, and personal hygiene packages.

"The Regent of Bandung has set an emergency date for seven days. We make sure that the basic needs of the refugees for seven days are really handled and fulfilled," he said.

Suharyanto said that the BNPB had completed the emergency response period and would be involved in resolving the floods that occurred in Bandung Regency.

He considered that there needed to be comprehensive action on flood management in the area so that the results could be optimal and comprehensive.

Kita sepakat bahwa penanganan ini bukan hanya pada masa tanggap darurat, tetapi jangka menengahnya kita juga akan tangani. Hal itu dilakukan agar musim hujan pada awal tahun 2025 wilayah ini sudah tidak ada banjir lagi. Itu target kami, katanya.

On Thursday (11/1) extreme rainfall in Bandung Regency caused the edge of the Cigede River embankment to burst, causing a severe flood that hit Lamajang Peuntas Village, Citeureup Village, Dayeuhkolot District, and its surroundings, which submerged 2,203 houses and affected tens of thousands of residents.

"There are tens of thousands of residents affected, thousands of houses submerged, and hundreds of residents displaced," he said.

In addition, he ensured that the central government had prepared a stimulant aid fund of Rp. 60 million for residents whose houses were severely damaged, Rp. 30 million for moderately damaged buildings, and Rp. 15 million for minor damage.

"What category will this submerged house be, we are waiting for a report from the local government," he said.

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