JAKARTA - Meta has finally launched the Message Draft feature on the WhatsApp app for mobile, which was previously launched for the desktop version.
Not a sophisticated feature, this simple feature will provide a draft' indicator to a message that has been written but has not been sent yet, and the message will be moved to the top of the chat.
So, if we previously left the chat room when we typed the message but haven't had time to send it yet, we have to find that person's contacts again among the many other chats, to send messages.
Namun, dengan fitur ini Meta berharap pengguna bisa dengan mudah menemukan dan melanjutkan pesan apa yang ingin mengirimkan secara cepat tanpa harus mencari-cari kontak orang tersebut.
'Continue your message right where you left it with a draft. Unfinished conversations are moved to the top of your inbox so you can go straight back whenever you want,' Meta wrote in its announcement.
This feature is now available worldwide via the WhatsApp application on mobile (iOS and Android) If you haven't seen this new feature on WhatsApp, try updating the app to the latest version.
WhatsApp continues to roll out updates for its app. Most recently, WhatsApp has just launched a Custom Lists feature, which allows users to filter chats into certain categories and can be adjusted at any time.
This feature enhances the existing message filter features. The difference is, before, you only had three filter options All, and Group But now, you can create your own chat list.
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