Presidential candidate number 1, Anies Baswedan, resumed his campaign activities in Ambon City, Maluku, on Monday, January 15. Anies arrived at Pattimura International Airport on Sunday, January 14 evening.

Arriving at the airport, Anies will meet with the local community. He will explain the lure of development to be carried out in Ambon if elected as President in 2024 with his vice presidential candidate, Muhaimin Iskandar.

Given, Ambon is one of 40 cities where infrastructure and culture will be developed into a city equivalent to Jakarta. Broadly speaking, Anies wants to make Ambon a center for water cultivation.

"We will explain when we meet with the community, and we want the extraordinary wealth of aqua culture here. We can develop it and Ambon is one of the hubs (centrals) for that development," said Anies at Pattimura Airport, Sunday, January 14.

Anies explained that Ambon is an area that has great potential to develop the maintenance and breeding of various kinds of animals or water plants.

"So, the huge potential for natural wealth, especially fisheries in the Maluku region must be accompanied by regulations that allow him to develop better," explained Anies.

With the support of regulations that are more profitable for farmers and fishermen, Anies wants the added value of his products to increase.

"The fishery results are not issued outside Maluku solely in the form of raw products, but processed products, so that labor absorption occurs, added value increases occur, and the hope is that prosperity will be higher in this area," he continued.

During his visit to Ambon, Anies is scheduled to discuss with the public at Anies' Desak event at Beby Indah Beach, in touch with community leaders at the Xaverius Multipurpose Building, and meet with sympathizers at the Ambon Islamic Center Multipurpose Building.

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