JAKARTA - The Commander of the Prabowo-Gibran TKN Fanta (Young Voter) Team, Arief Rosyid Hasan, responded casually to the statement of Presidential Candidate number 1, Anies Baswedan, who said that leaders must not only be polite, but also be emotionally stable.

Arief emphasized that his party did not feel Anies' statement insinuating the presidential candidate number 2, Prabowo Subianto. Instead, according to him, the statement was more about Anies' form of self-introspection.

"Anyway, it's okay. Yes, maybe he's introspecting himself," Arief told reporters at Medcen TKN Prabowo-Gibran, South Jakarta, Thursday, December 21.

If it is considered to insinuate Prabowo, Arief assesses that Anies' statement is more about introspection against himself. In fact, he said, in the presidential candidate debate, it was the former governor of DKI Jakarta who appeared emotional.

"Yes, the one who gasped at the beginning (during the presidential candidate debate) was Mas Anies, right? So, yes, we had no hard feeling. So, maybe we were introspecting. As humans, I think it's natural that there is a point where we have to stop and introspect ourselves, reflect," said Arief.

Previously, Anies Baswedan's statement about leaders having to be polite and emotionally stable was conveyed when he met a student at Bina Bangsa University, Banten.

Initially, the students asked various questions ranging from vision and mission to matters of the heart. One of the things that Anies asked was about mood. Anies then mentioned the politeness and emotional stability that a leader has.

For the former Governor of DKI Jakarta, the current leader does not only need manners. Emotional stability is much more needed in managing the country.

"Leaders do not need politeness, the leader needs stability, because his stability is in him, his soul, not in the outside. His external appearance is polite, this polite looks is external, but what is needed is not the outward appearance that is needed is emotional stability," said Anies.

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