JAKARTA - Unlike subcutaneous fat, which is a type of fat located just below the skin, visceral fat is buried deep in the stomach.
Written on the Eating Well page, Tuesday, December 30, visceral fat produces inflammatory proteins that increase the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, nonalychoholic fatty liver disease, and several types of cancer. Research reveals that increasing physical activity may be one of the best ways to stop the development of diseases triggered by excess body fat.
"By increasing movement, you can build a fatless body mass, which helps increase overall rest metabolism, resulting in a better body composition," said Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDCES, a registered dietist.
Palinski-Wade says do small movements throughout the day, such as using stairs instead of elevators, parking the car in a longer place. Or taking a further walk to coffee machines at the office to increase the number of steps in daily activities.
Invite friends to work together so that the habit of moving continues.
Meanwhile, author of From Burnout to Balance Patricia Bannan, MS, RDN, said that he set a time reminder to carry out movements such as stretching or walking for a few minutes.
"Every 30 to 60 minutes, arrange reminders to stand, stretch, or walk for a few minutes, this will stop sitting for a long time and help stimulate muscle circulation and activity," said Bannan.
Strength exercises are also one that can be done to offset visceral fats, focusing on the main muscle group to increase the strength and mass of the body without fat for one to two times a week.
Another tip is to record bedtime, carry out awareness activities, consume fiber and reduce fatty foods to reduce visceral fat.
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