Polda Metro Jaya searched five houses in an investigation into a case of alleged gratification related to online gambling (judol) involving employees of the Ministry of Communication and Digital Affairs (Kemkomdigi), or known as the case of "Judol Komdigi."

"Investigators have also conducted five other closed houses searches," said Director of Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Ade Safri Simanjuntak, Thursday, January 2.

Ade Safri did not specify the location or date of the search. However, he said that the police had confiscated a number of evidences, including documents and electronic evidence. This evidence will be used to determine the suspect in the case.

"We have searched five locations to find and collect evidence. With this evidence, we hope to shed light on this case and identify suspects," explained Ade Safri.

Until now, investigators have examined 32 witnesses, including 21 Kemkomdigi employees and other parties, one of whom is the former Minister of Communication and Information, Budi Arie Setiadi.

Ade Safri added that investigators will continue to summon other witnesses to speed up the investigation process. "Next week, there will be examinations of seven to eight other witnesses," he concluded.

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