The South Jakarta Metro Police will coordinate with the National Police Hospital regarding the plan to retrieve the bodies of 4 children who died, killed by their biological father in the Jagakarsa area, South Jakarta.

"Our plan today will be to coordinate with the hospital and the family. For the funeral to 4 bodies," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Bintoro to reporters, Sunday, December 10.

Currently, investigators from the South Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim are still taking care of the administrative process for the collection of the bodies of the four victims.

"For the administration of taking the body in the manufacturing process," he said.

AKBP Bintoro also said that he felt sorry when he saw the video footage before the four victims were killed by their biological fathers.

"Later, my plan is to take me to the funeral. Sad, if you look at the video before the children die," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the police had named Panca Darmansyah as a suspect in the murder of her four children. From the results of the investigation and the evidence found, Panca is known to have recorded her act using a cellphone.

"Furthermore, we also obtained evidence in the form of cellphones and laptops used by Brother P to record before the incident, at the time of the incident (murder)," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Bintoro, to reporters quoted on Saturday, December 9.

Suspect P also recorded when committing acts of violence or domestic violence against his wife with the initials D. However, regarding the reasons behind it, it is still being investigated further.

Panca is known to have killed his four children by smothering them. So, it is possible that the children died because they could not breathe.

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