The Narcotics Investigation Unit (Satreskoba) of the Bangkalan Police thwarted the circulation of 1 kilogram methamphetamine-type drugs sent through an expedition service from Kalimantan. "Initially, we received information from the public, below there was an expedition from Kalimantan to be circulated in the Bangkalan area," said Bangkalan Police Chief AKBP Febri Isman Jaya quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, December 7 After receiving information, the team immediately carried out a search. The results found packages contained three packs of coffee, threads and 1 kilogram of crystal methamphetamine-type drugs which were divided into 10 plastic bags. "We immediately arrested a courier with the initials B (39) who is a resident of Ketapang Daya, Sampang Regency. We caught the person concerned while taking the shipment on Mayjen Sungkono Street, Kraton Bangkalan Village on December 3, 2023," he said. To investigators, the suspect admitted that he was ordered by his colleague who was in Pontianak with the initials F (DPO) in exchange for Rp8 million. The illicit goods, will be handed over to A (DPO) who is in the Socah area. "The suspect admitted that he had been a drug courier for the Kalimantan network three times. The person concerned is a recidivist because he was caught in his first action. He was tempted by a fairly large reward," said Febri. The case of drug trafficking of Kalimantan networks, continued Febri, is still being investigated, his party has coordinated with Pontianak Police to trace F who became a distributor.

"We will continue to investigate this case, we have also coordinated with the Pontianak police," he continued. For his actions, suspect B was charged with Article 114 paragraph (2) subsidiary to Article 112 paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a minimum prison sentence of 5 years.

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