MEDAN - A principal of a junior high school in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, was arrested by the Medan Police Criminal Investigation Unit for allegedly molesting his student.

The perpetrator is suspected of committing depraved acts against a number of his students by looking for the student's mistakes and calling one by one to face his room.

The lewd suspect is known to have the initials JR, a resident of Medan City, North Sumatra. JR was arrested at his residence without a fight.

Head of the Medan Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Kompol Teuku Fathir Mustafa, said that the disclosure of this sexual abuse case began with a report from one of the victim's parents to the Medan Police Headquarters.

Receiving the report, the officers then carried out a series of investigations and finally arrested the perpetrator.

Fathir also said that from the results of the examination of the suspect, it was found that the perpetrator was looking for the student's fault. JR then called the potential victim to face his room.

The perpetrator carried out his act of molesting the victim in the principal's room.

"For this incident, we from the Medan Police Satreskrim have carried out an investigation into the case and we have named one suspect and we have detained the suspect and examined him," said Fathir, Thursday, November 30.

Meanwhile, the victims have also been questioned and the process is currently running according to applicable regulations.

"The results of the temporary information from the victims, this perpetrator took this action by calling the victim, then conveying that there was a problem where he did his actions," he continued.

Fathir also revealed that in this case his party will continue to develop. The reason is, only one report has been entered, while it is suspected that several students have been victims of the suspect's actions.

"There is more than one victim, we are still investigating this. We will report it further later," he said.

To account for his actions, the suspect has been detained in the detention cell of the Medan Police Headquarters, North Sumatra. The suspect is threatened with being charged with the article in the Child Protection Law with a penalty of more than five years in prison.

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