JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta DPRD and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government have approved the regional budget (APBD) for the 2024 budget year with a value of IDR 81.71 trillion.
Of the total 2024 APBD, the DKI Provincial Government has six priority programs that are in direct contact with the community.
The priority programs that will be implemented are flood prevention, congestion management, acceleration of economic growth, acceleration of stunting reduction, poverty reduction and strengthening the value of democracy.
Deputy Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD, Khoirudin, said that his party is ready to supervise all priority programs, especially for the most watched handling of congestion.
The traffic jam management program next year has a fairly large budget of IDR 6.9 trillion or 10 percent of the total regional budget for 2024 of IDR 72.6 trillion.
"We monitor the use of the budget and the implementation of activities proposed by the provincial government for handling traffic jams, so that this budget is really right on target and traffic jams can be reduced," said Khoirudin in his statement, Wednesday, November 15.
Continuing, Deputy Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Rani Mauliani emphasized that the congestion management program is important because it is expected to increase comfort and expand service opportunities to make it easier for people to enjoy public transportation.
"There are still many people who use private cars because not all public transportation access places that can be reached by people who work in Jakarta," he said.
On Tuesday, November 14, the DPRD ratified a draft regional regulation (Raperda) regarding the APBD for the 2024 fiscal year to become a regional regulation with a value of IDR 81,716,573,026,059 in a plenary meeting.
Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, said that with the approval of the Regional Budget Raperda to become a regional regulation, the regulation will be submitted to the Governor's acting to be immediately followed up in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
"With the hope that the Acting Governor will pay attention to the suggestions and expectations conveyed by the DPRD," said Prasetyo at the DKI Jakarta DPRD building.
Member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Budget Agency (Banggar) Abdul Aziz explained, the amount of the APBD of IDR 81.71 trillion will come from Regional Revenue which is targeted at IDR 72.4 trillion and financing receipts of IDR 9.2 trillion.
Regional financing of Rp9.2 trillion, consisting of more Budget Calculations (SiLPA) in the previous year of Rp3.85 trillion and Regional Loan Revenue of Rp5.41 trillion. Meanwhile, the financing budget posture of Rp9.1 trillion consists of Regional Capital Participation (PMD) of Rp7.25 trillion and payment of principal debt installments due to Rp1.86 trillion," he explained.
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