JAKARTA - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Daop 1 Jakarta inspects the track from Cikarang Station to Cikampek Station, West Java using a drainage to prepare for the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year Transportation periods.

The examination, which was carried out on Monday, was led by KAI Daop 1 Jakarta Executive Vice President Iwan Eka Putra and related ranks.

Iwan said that during this inspection there were eight stations, namely, Cikarang, Lemakabang, Kedunggedeh, Karawang, Klari, Kosambi, Dawuan, and Cikampek.

Meanwhile, what is the object of the examination is administrative completeness, station facilities, officers' skills as well as train travel infrastructure such as rail lines, bridges, South Korea to look for potential hazards along the railway line.

Moreover, currently very hot weather conditions can affect the condition of infrastructure material construction, as well as the condition of officers who are working across the road.

KAI itself has an SOP before officers start service every day, according to each section in each working area. However, cooperation or collaboration between units must always be carried out properly and correctly.

"However, leadership control to subordinates or attached supervision is still needed in ensuring the safety of train travel and listening to what obstacles are faced and how to take action in finding the right solution," said Iwan.

During the inspection, he said the management did not only focus on work support equipment, but also held discussions and provided guidance and direction to officers ranging from the level of the head of the technical implementing unit (KUPT) across to the lowest ranks.

"The management of KAI Daop 1 conducts inspections to ensure directly that maintenance and control of safety risks in the station area and the environment has been carried out properly and according to the main tasks and functions," he said.

From the results of this Monday's inspection, KAI Daop 1 Jakarta said that the entire route from Cikarang Station to Cikampek Station was declared safe. This can be confirmed after a review from several aspects such as the rail line, the security around the track from potential disturbances, the potential for local crossings to potential disturbances from order security and people who are still active on the train line.

KAI Daop 1 Jakarta will continue to make various efforts to the maximum in maintaining the safety and smooth operation of the train. However, community participation is also needed to maintain security around the railway line and remind the public not to carry out activities on the train line.

In general, KAI Daop 1 Jakarta ensures that all railway infrastructure and train travel safety facilities are also in good condition.

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