JABAR - An employee of the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) of Karawang Regency was found dead in a plantation owned by a resident of Mekarmukti Village, Kutamekar Village, Ciampel District, Karawang.

"Yes, that's right. We together with the Karawang Police Inafis Team and the Ciampel Police have also conducted TKP (the crime scene). At the location, police lines have also been installed," said Head of the Karawang Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Abdul Jalil Ino in Karawang, Wednesday, November 8, confiscated by Antara.

An employee of the Karawang Hospital who was found dead in a garden in the Ciampel area was named Fredy Abdul Halim (42). The victim is a resident of Karangpawitan Village, West Karawang District, Karawang.

At first the victim, who was lifeless, was found by a farmer who was about to garden, on Tuesday. When found, the victim was supine by wearing a red shirt with a black white batik motif and black trousers.

Kasatreskrim said the victim was suspected of being a murder victim. This is in accordance with the crime scene that has been carried out.

According to him, the alleged murder case began when one of the residents (witnesses) was in his banana garden who then saw someone lying on the ground in a supine position.

"When approached by the witness, apparently the victim looked stiff with the conditions surrounded by flies and smelled a foul smell. Not long ago the Ciampel Police and the Karawang Police Inafis Team came to the location to process the crime scene," he said.

He said that the police had examined a number of witnesses, and now the victim's body has been taken to the Karawang Hospital's morgue for an autopsy.

"The autopsy is needed to determine the cause of death of the victim. As for the identity of the perpetrator, it cannot be stated because it is still in the process of being investigated," he said, adding that according to the results of the temporary examination from the family, the victim had not returned for days after leaving the house on Saturday, November 4.

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