JAKARTA - The Head of Legal Affairs for the Central Leadership Council (DPP) of the Hanura Party, Servasius S. Manek, resolved a group of individuals on behalf of the party's wing to declare support for the prospective presidential candidate for the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) Prabowo Subianto.
Servasius said the movement of a group of Hanura Party wingers who carried out the party's name was considered detrimental because it did not represent the interests of the group and would be prosecuted.
"Hanura feels wronged. It is not allowed to carry out the party's name for something allegedly done for personal gain," said Servasius, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 11.
Servasius explained that there are only two Hanura Party wing organizations that are included in the party structure officially, namely Srikandi Hanura and Laskar Muda Hanura (Lasmura).
"Outside (the two organizations), it is not recognized. If there is a group of people calling themselves Hanura wing organizations, (it) is a wild organization," he said.
Previously, the GEMA Hanura National Leadership Council (DPN) officially expressed its support for the General Chair of the Gerindra Party to run as a presidential candidate. The support was declared in Bandung, West Java, last Sunday.
He reminded everyone who will set up party wings or the wings of the money party will decide on a crucial policy, including a declaration related to the Presidential Election (Pilpres), must first obtain approval from the Hanura Party DPP.
If not, continued Servasius, then violate the Hanura Party's articles of association and household budget (AD/ART). "Once again, this (GEMA Hanura) is wild. Organization is formless," he said.
Servasius also appealed to the party's wing on behalf of Hanura to immediately revoke and cancel the declaration and apologize. If not, he said, Hanura's DPP Legal Division would take measured legal steps.
"To anyone who acts and on behalf of the party declares his wings and declarations of presidential and vice-presidential candidates, immediately revoke them. Please declare any candidate, but do not bring the party name," he said.
Meanwhile, Hanura Party LBH Chairman Rudy Imanuel added that Hanura's GEMA is not part of the Hanura Party, either as an autonomous organization (Ortom) or a wing organization (Orsap).
Rudy also emphasized that the party, which is headed by Oesman Sapta Odang (OSO), has fully supported the presidential candidate from the PDI-P Ganjar Pranowo as a candidate for the 2024 presidential candidate. Hanura, he said, never supported Prabowo.
Therefore, Rudy admitted that his party would report the Acting Chairperson (Plt) of the GEMA DPN Hanura Edy Syahputra to the Bandung Police, West Java today.
"For the losses caused by media reports made by Edy Syahputra, we will report it to the authorities on Wednesday, October 11, 2023. Because, we have spread false news to the public," said Rudy.
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