YOGYAKARTA - Drones are not only used for videography, but can also be used in agriculture. Currently, many agricultural or agricultural business actors use drone technology to facilitate various needs. So what are the benefits of drones in agricultural activities.

The use of drones has proven to be able to make agriculture more developed so that it can compete in the modern era like now. Drones are a technology in the form of flying robots or unmanned aircraft with remote control. Drones work by relying on the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligent (AI) so that they can analyze data accurately and quickly.

Many agricultural companies have used drones to improve the quality and quantity of yields. The benefits of drones in agricultural activities have attracted many people to use this technology.

Here are some tips and benefits of drones in agricultural activities that you need to know and apply:

One of the uses of drones for the agricultural sector is for mapping land conditions. This tool is quite helpful for you in preparing before the planting season. You can use drones to map garden conditions in 3 dimensions.

Agricultural business actors can use data captured by drones to analyze the condition of the land more practically. So you don't have to be tired of going around the land thoroughly to check and analyze the condition of the land. The results of the analysis can be used to develop a seed planting pattern..

Another benefit of drones in the agricultural sector is to plant seeds. By using drones, the seed planting process becomes much faster than you have to grow human power.

Drones can be arranged to fire or plant seeds on the ground surface. Not only that, drones can also be relied on in terms of fertilization. With these various uses, drones can reduce planting costs by 85 percent.

Plant absorption can also be done using drone technology. The latest drone features are equipped with many features, one of which is effective and maximum plant spraying.

Currently, you can easily find drones that are equipped with the ability to emit ultrasonic or laser sounds. Both advanced features are useful for recognizing the structure of land conditions. So you can spray plants smoothly without a collision.

This feature also allows you to scan the surface of the ground. The results of the scan can be preliminary data to determine the amount of liquid required in spraying. In fact, all these needs can be done in real-time with a wide range.

The latest drone has also been equipped with a feature to assess plant health. This advantage certainly makes it very easy for farmers to check the condition of very wide plants on land. By utilizing drones, the plant observation process can run quickly and efficiently.

The camera feature and infrared camera on drones can work effectively to assess plant health. Both types of cameras help you to see whether there are bacteria and fungi in plants. So you can know what steps will be taken to solve problems with plants.

Another benefit of using drones in the agricultural sector is to see the quality of the soil. Drones are supported by thermal, hyperspectral, or multispectral sensors, which are able to show areas that look dry and require maintenance. You can also use them to improve the land irrigation system.

That's a review of the benefits of drones in agricultural activities. With its various features and advantages, the use of drones is very supportive for agricultural progress in the modern era as it is today.

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