Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto dismissed the Principal of SDN Cibeureum 1 Nopi Yeni for having made illegal levies (extortion) when receiving new students (PPDB) in 2023 at the school.

Nopi Yeni also fired an honorary teacher named Mohamad Reza Ernanda because he was considered disobedient to him and was accused of accessing Nopi's personal data.

With the parents and students of SDN Cibeureum 1, Wednesday afternoon, Bima Arya went to the school for a dialogue with the honorary teacher named Mohamad Reza Ernanda.

"Starting from the alleged extortion allegedly committed by the principal, this allegation was then followed up by the city government, by the inspectorate. Then, the principal dismissed one of the honorary teachers, Mr. Reza, because he was considered not to have complied with the principal and was considered to have accessed the principal's personal data," Bima Arya said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 13.

Bima said that Nopi Yeni had been questioned for an examination report (BAP) by the Bogor City Government Inspectorate and was proven to have received gratuities. Therefore, continued Bima, Nopi was removed from his position as principal and would be sanctioned.

He explained that the dismissal of the honorary teacher at SDN Cibeureum 1, has also attracted the attention of a number of parents, teachers, and school students. In addition, Reza's dismissal was also widely discussed on social media which predicted irregularities in the principal's decision.

For this concern, Bima Arya also made sure directly by asking for information from Reza and Nopi. The result, according to Bima, can be concluded that what Nopi did was wrong, so he asked for the cancellation of Reza's dismissal.

Based on ANTARA's monitoring at SDN Cibeureum 1, Wednesday, the students showed paper containing expressions of affection and rejection of Reza's dismissal; as well as parents lined up on the school field and cheered for Reza.

Bima also went to the students' parents and said that Reza would immediately return to teaching because he would not be fired. He added that it was Nopi who was fired for his attitude and actions to commit PPDB extortion at SDN Cibeureum 1.

"Pak Reza teaches again, yes, ma'am, sorry for the children. Favorite, yes, Mr. Reza. Learn again, yes. The principal has been fired," said Bima Arya.

Furthermore, to the media crew, he explained that the dismissal of Nopi had gone through mediation with the person concerned and Nopin had accepted the decision.

"Earlier, I did mediation. Finally, the principal agreed to accept the mayor's decision regarding his dismissal and also canceled the principal's decision to dismiss Mr. Reza," said Bima Arya.

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