Investigators from the Ditreskrimum Polda NTT estimate that victims and perpetrators of cases of sexual violence of the same sex as minors involving an art teacher named Kung in Kupang, NTT can increase.

"We suspect that the number of victims and perpetrators can increase. We will immediately secure additional perpetrators and process every incoming report," said Director of Criminal Investigation at the NTT Police Kombes Patar Silalahi in Kupang, Antara, Tuesday, January 7.

From the results of the development of the case, there are now two victims of cases of same-sex sexual harassment committed by Kung. His party has opened a help desk to provide opportunities for people who want to complain about the case.

Currently, further investigations are ongoing to identify new suspects. Previously, there was only one suspect, namely PFKS alias Kung (34), who was detained. However, now there are three additional suspects who are partners or networks from Kung.

"The perpetrators are now four people. We are conducting further investigations and immediately securing the other perpetrators," he said.

The police also appealed to people who were victims of sexual harassment by the suspect or his network to come directly and make a police report.

"We opened a consultation room and report at Sub-Directorate IV of the NTT Police Ditreskrimum. In addition, reports can also be received at the Polres ranks in the NTT Regional Police area and will be forwarded to us," explained Kombes Patar.

In addition to the report room, the NTT Police will distribute a special hotline number to make it easier for victims to report. Victims who have evidence of the incident can directly come to the NTT Police, the nearest Polres, or use the hotline number.

The NTT Regional Police ensures that they will handle this case seriously and provide protection to victims. This step was taken to ensure that no more victims are afraid to report and so that the perpetrators can be held accountable for their actions according to the applicable law.

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