JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) suspects that there are officials at PT Pertamina (Persero) who occupy positions at PPT ETS Singapore. This method is suspected to benefit from the procurement of liquid natural gas (LNG).
KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika said the investigation was carried out by examining two witnesses on Monday, January 6. Those investigated were Bayu Satria Irawan as Operation Manager of PPT ETS for the 2016-2021 period and Mochamad Harun who was the International Director of PPT ET Singapore for 2017-2020.
"Investigated related to the distribution of bonuses in PPT ETS which allegedly violated the rules. Investigators are investigating whether the bonus that violates the rules is an accelerated strategy aimed at benefiting several people in Pertamina who also serve at PPT ETS," Tessa told reporters, Tuesday, January 7.
Tessa explained that the Singaporean company is still related to the state-owned company and is a buyer of LNG. "This ETS PPT gets big for selling LNG purchased from Pertamina," he said.
In addition, the anti-corruption commission is investigating the signing of the LNG purchase contract from Cholid as Manager of Legal Services Product Pertamina for the 2013-2016 period. "At that time Pertamina did not yet have a potential buyer," he said.
Previously reported, the KPK is developing a corruption case in the procurement of LNG at PT Pertamina (Persero) and named two people as suspects. They are Senior Vice President (SPV) Gas and Power Pertamina 2013-2014, Yenni Andayani and Hari Karyulianto who are Directors of Gas Pertamina 2012-2014.
Both of them were Karen's subordinates while serving as President Director (Director) of PT Pertamina (Persero). In addition, they got power from Karen to sign a sale and purchase agreement or sales purchase agreement (SPA) LNG Train 1 and Train 2 from a subsidiary of Cheniere Energy, Inc., Corpus Christie Liquefaction, LCC or CCL.
Meanwhile, Karen Agustiawan has been sentenced to nine years in prison in this case and a fine of Rp. 500 million by the Jakarta Corruption Court. He was declared legally and convincingly guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption.
This decision was later upheld by the Jakarta High Court (PT). The verdict was read out by the panel of judges chaired by Sumpeno, and consisted of judges Nelson Pasaribu and Berlin Damanik, on Friday, August 30.
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