JAKARTA - Mike Shinoda's great role in Linkin Park's success is undeniable. But behind that, he seems to have almost been kicked out of the band.
This fact was conveyed directly by the American musician and rapper. While a guest at Mythical Kitchens' Last Meals, he revealed that Linkin Park was going to run without him.
The incident took place while they were working on the Hybrid Theory album. The label where they took shelter did not like album material, thus encouraging Mike to step down.
"When you were young and new to a label, they tried hard to sell the footage. They wanted to get something that was being hit," recalled Mike Shinoda quoting Loudwire Jan. 8.
"In the process of making Hybrid Theory, they didn't hear it. I can't explain it. We believe that it's good. More importantly, we feel like this is how we are on this record," he added.
"They came to Chester [Bennington] and told him alone in the studio and said, 'Look, guys, this is all my fault. You're the star here. Let's build this project according to you because of what you guys did, we don't understand,'" he continued.
Chester immediately returned to the members and said what he had just heard. As a new member, he can already confirm his loyalty to the band.
"[Chester] immediately switched from the conversation back to us and said, 'This is what just happened.' And we were like, 'Oh no, thank you for letting us know. What did you say to them?' [Chester replied], 'I told them to go and greet them.'" Mike recalled Chester.
What looks like an obstacle is actually the glue between Linkin Park members. They can have one mind and try to give their best.
The rest? time has answered it. Linkin Park is one of the most successful nu metal bands with its hit collection. Now they are starting something new with Emily Armstrong at the forefront, without forgetting the services of Chester Bennington that they have always appreciated.
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