JAKARTA - Indonesia's initiative as Chair of ASEAN to accelerate the process of negotiating the code of ethics or Code of Conduct (COC) of the South China Sea was successfully agreed upon by all ASEAN countries and the People's Republic of China (RRC) on Friday, said Director of Security Politics Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rolliansyah Soemirat.
"In addition to accelerating negotiations, Indonesia's initiative in the form of guidelines can be a practical guideline that also contains substantive material, to keep COC effective and actionable," Rolliansyah explained, in a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Friday, September 1.
Guidelines, which is the first time in history, summarizes ASEAN-RRC aspirations to resolve COC in 3 years or less, through intensive discussion of suspended issues and other proposed working methods, so that negotiations run faster and more effectively.
"Given the complexity of elements in COC, the parties involved so far are very careful so a breakthrough is needed to accelerate the process," continued Rolliansyah.
Furthermore, this COC is expected to be a rule of behavior that reflects international norms, principles and rules that are in harmony and refer to international law, particularly UNCLOS, with the aim of achieving a stable, safe and peaceful South China Sea region.
Indonesia itself always supports the development of mutual trust, reduces tensions to support welfare in the region, and continues to ensure ASEAN centrality in the South China Sea problem.
During Indonesia's Chairmanship in ASEAN, the COC negotiations have successfully completed the second reading discussion or discussion of the second round of negotiations. This shows positive developments that are expected to continue to be a momentum for accelerating the agreed code of ethics.
Previously, Indonesia had hosted the COC negotiations between ASEAN and the RRC in March. At the end of 2023, Indonesia plans to host the next COC negotiation round again, as a contribution to the acceleration of the ongoing process.
In addition to the COC negotiations, Indonesia will continue to encourage increased practical maritime cooperation between ASEAN and the RRC for the South China Sea region which can increase mutual trust, in order to support and maintain peace, security and stability in the region.
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