BANYUMAS - Joint officers from various agencies assisted by the community carried out efforts to extinguish the forest fires in Imagesari Village, Banyumas Regency, Central Java.

Head of Kebasen Sub-district Wahyu Adhi Fibrianto said the fire occurred in a forest area belonging to Perum Perhutani.

"The location of the fire is in a forest area on a hill above the Kebasen railway tunnel. The fire extends from the bottom to the top," he explained as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 16.

Wahyu admitted that he had coordinated with the Banyumas Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) regarding the handling of the forest fires.

Until now, manual extinguishing efforts are still being made by personnel from Perum Perhutani, TNI, Polri, BPBD, Kebasen District officials, Imagesari Village officials, and local residents.

"From the results of the latest coordination, the fire did not spread to the nearby settlement where the fire was located. Officers tried to localize the fire so that it would not spread," said Wahyu.

One of the residents of Imagesari, Nono, said that the flames in the forest area above the Kebasen railway tunnel adjacent to the Serayu Movement Dam water pump began to be seen on Wednesday (16/8) afternoon.

"Earlier at around 17.30 WIB, the flames were clearly visible from the direction of Tambaknegara Village, Rawalo District, which is opposite the Serayu Movement Dam," he said.

He hopes that the fire can be handled immediately until it is extinguished.

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