MARTAPURA - Police officers arrested a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) at the Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Timur Regency Government Health Office, South Sumatra, with the initials AR (48) because he was caught storing methamphetamine.
Head of the East OKU Police Narcotics Unit AKP Ujang Abdul Aziz said suspect AR was arrested Monday evening around the East OKU Regency Government office area at 15.15 WIB.
The ASN in one of the agencies in the ranks of the East OKU Regency Government was caught storing methamphetamine-type drugs when they were intercepted by the police while riding a motorcycle because of suspicious behavior.
The resident of Martapura District, East OKU Regency was arrested after members of the East OKU Police Narcotics Unit carried out routine patrols.
"When the suspect's vehicle was intercepted by the police, he actually increased the speed of the motorbike and threw something at the side of the road," he said.
Thanks to the foresight of members in the field, the items that were thrown away were also found and it turned out that the package of methamphetamine was 0.25 grams.
After obtaining the evidence, he said, the members gave chase so that the perpetrator was arrested to account for his actions.
"We have secured the suspect and evidence for further legal processing," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the East OKU Health Office, M Yakub, separately admitted that he was not aware of the existence of ASN personnel in the agency he led, who were caught in possession of drugs.
However, Yakub emphasized that if there are unscrupulous employees who have or are positive for using drugs, strict sanctions will be given in accordance with applicable regulations.
"Whoever it is, if it is true that he is involved in a drug case, there will be sanctions," he asserted.
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