Hybrid Media Becomes A Strategy To Save Printed Media In The Digital Age
Doctor Budi Nugraha's promotion was attended by Deputy Minister of Religion Dr. H. Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi, M.Si, colleagues and family. (IST)

JAKARTA - The development of information and communication technology as well as the increase in paper prices has posed a threat to the survival of print media. Hybrid media, according to Dr. Budi Nugraha in his dissertation is an accurate strategy to save print media in the digital era.

Efforts made by print media to maintain its existence are to adopt a hybrid approach, namely combining print and online formats (cyber media).

This statement is part of the promotion of Doctor Budi Nugraha in the field of Communication Science at the Graduate School of Sahid University, Jakarta on Wednesday, June 7. His dissertation was entitled "Development of Hybrid Media as a Strategy to Maintain Local Printed Media Performance: Case Studies in the Java Pos Group, Surabaya Radar, Solo Radar, and Jogja Radar" which were considered "Very Satisfactory" in an open session chaired by Dr. Marlinda Irwanti PMSi.

Deputy Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. H. Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi, M.Si expressed his appreciation for Budi Nugraha's achievements in the Doctoral promotion trial.

"Mas Budi Nugraha has seriously and seriously completed this Doctorate program, considering his job as a journalist," said Zainut.

The Deputy Minister of Religion also mentioned that the dissertation written by Dr. Budi Nugraha is very interesting. "The hybrid media is currently a challenge in the digital era," said the Deputy Minister of Religion.

One of the challenges, continued Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi, is how print media can continue to exist in the midst of the many digital media available.

The Deputy Minister of Religion hopes that the research conducted by Dr. Budi Nugraha can provide benefits to the mass media business and current media developments whose challenges are increasing.

"Hopefully what Dr. Budi Nugraha has done can motivate other journalists," hoped the Deputy Minister of Religion.

Apart from serving as Head of the Jakarta Daily Bureau of Merdeka and Pemred Jakarta. Voice of Merdeka.com, Dr. Budi Nugraha is also active in a journalist organization. He was born in Tasikmalaya, West Java, on May 25, 1965, and currently serves as Deputy Chair of the Education Division of the Indonesian Journalists Association of DKI Jakarta Province (PWI Jaya).

Dr. Budi Nugraha, who is the husband of Dr. Ina Purwitasari, has two children who are currently studying in higher education. "The eldest daughter, Hazrina Puteri Nabila, is currently studying her master's degree at Trier University, Germany, while her youngest son is still studying at Undip," said Dr. Budi Nugraha.

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