Central Java (Central Java) Governor Ganjar Pranowo held a halal bihalal at the Central Java Governor's office, Semarang, Tuesday, May 2. A number of regional heads, state civil servants (ASN) and interfaith leaders attended the event.

Ganjar was accompanied by the wife of Siti Atikoh, the Regional Secretary of Central Java Province Sumarno, Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi, Military Commander IV/Diponegoro Major General TNI Widi Prasetijono, and main officials at the Central Java Provincial Government.

Halalbihalal as well as gathering with Governor Ganjar Pranowo starting with a group of VIP guests, consisting of regents/mayors and regional Forkompimda who attended first.

After that, a group from Central Java Provincial Government ASN and from all regional apparatus organizations within the Central Java Provincial Government.

The regional heads who attended included Semarang Mayor Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu, Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Grobogan Regent Sri Sumarni, Kendal Regent Dico Ganinduto.

Ganjar said that this event was a shared momentum to meet and stay in touch.

He revealed that the halal bihalal in the Central Java Provincial Government would initially be held on Tuesday, April 25, but there are regulations from the central government so that it can only be implemented now.

"Actually, when we entered the first day, we would immediately open houses between agencies, including the people around the Central Java Provincial Government office, but because yesterday there was a ban, we cleaned it up first until the backflow was complete. And today, thank God we can hold it," said Ganjar.

Halalbihalal this year is the last time for Ganjar Pranowo to be assigned as Governor of Central Java.

Until the end of the halalbihalal, there were still many people who sent messages and wanted to come in touch with the Central Java Governor's Office, but because there was an agenda and ASN had to return to the service desk, the event was limited to noon.

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