JAKARTA - Head of Criminal Investigation Police Commisssioner Agus Andrianto said that some of Dito Mahendra's firearms (senpi) were obtained illegally. Because there is no official permit.

"If I'm not mistaken, there are 14 of them, some with permits and some without", Agus told reporters, Tuesday, March 28.

So, the next step for Bareskrim Polri will be to investigate the origins of Dito Mahendra's gun. In particular, those obtained illegally.

"Later we will investigate where the unlicensed weapons came from", said Agus.

Meanwhile, the firearms found were five glock type pistols, one SNW pistol, one gimber micro pistol, and eight long-barreled firearms.

For information, the KPK found dozens of firearms when they searched his residence.

The search was related to the investigation into the alleged money laundering case (TPPU) that ensnared the former Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Nurhadi.

During the investigation process, Dito Mahendra was questioned by KPK investigators on Monday, February 6 regarding the alleged money laundering offenses committed by Nurhadi. At that time, he was asked about the transaction of buying and selling luxury cars and the flow of money that was allegedly derived from the bribes in case handling that Nurhadi received.

This money laundering allegation is actually not Nurhadi's first case at the KPK. He has been sentenced because he was found guilty in the bribery and gratuity case with his son-in-law, Rezky Herbiyono.

Both are currently serving sentences at the Sukamiskin Penitentiary for six years.

Not only that, they are required to pay a fine of IDR 500 million with the condition that if they are not paid they will be replaced by imprisonment for three months.

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