PAPUA - The riot in Sinakma, Wamena District, Jayawijaya Regency, Gunung Bintang Province, left 11 people dead while 41 others were injured.

Pangdam XVII/Cenderawasih TNI Maj. Gen. Muhammad Saleh Mustafa emphasized that no soldiers were involved in the incident. He stressed, if anyone is involved in leading to violations of human rights (HAM) it is certain that those concerned will be prosecuted.

"But on the other hand, if there is no evidence of the involvement of Kodam XVII/Cenderawasih soldiers and Kodim 1702/Jwy soldiers, but there are individuals who twist the facts, I will report them," said Saleh in Wamena, Monday, February 27, as reported by Antara.

The Cenderawasih Military Commander added that his party would sue individuals who try to spread hoax news

"If there are people who spread hoax news, I will sue those concerned according to applicable law," he said.

He conveyed his deep condolences to the 11 residents who were victims of the riots on Thursday 23 February. The funeral process has been going well and hopefully, the legal process can be carried out properly.

"As the Regional Commander XVII/Cenderawasih I am currently in Wamena so I immediately ordered the Dandim 1702/Jwy to assist in handling the riot," he explained.

The handling steps being taken, he said, were safeguarding, especially safeguarding immigrants and indigenous Papuans who live in Wamena.

"The Danrem and his staff have been ordered to always coordinate with the police to carry out patrols and Pomdam XVII/Cenderawasih was ordered to carry out investigations and coordinate with the Papua Police Chief," he said.

He asked that there be no terror or acts outside the law that threaten and cause inconvenience to the people of Wamena.

"Don't cause riots and let's keep Wamena a safe city so that anyone can live in it. The TNI and Polri together support and guarantee transparency, accountability, and resolution of this case," he said.

The riot in Sinakma, Thursday 23 February, started with the issue of child kidnapping. When the police wanted to deal with it, a group of mobs became provocateurs, so the mob carried out anarchic actions by attacking police officers and setting fires around Sinakma.

It was recorded that 11 people died in the riots and left 41 people injured, including security forces, and a number of shophouses and residents' houses were burnt by the mob.

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