NTB - The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Police are tracing assets belonging to suspect IW as the chairman of the Central Lombok Regional Tourism Promotion Agency (BPPD) in the case of embezzling a car rental worth IDR 7 billion and fraud in the sale of tickets for the 2022 MotoGP.
The Director General of the NTB Police, Commissioner Teddy Ristiawan, said this search was part of the police's efforts to assist victims in recovering losses.
"Yes, we are still investigating all (IW's valuable assets)", said Teddy in Mataram, NTB, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, October 26.
Car Embezzlement Case
He explained that the case of car rental embezzlement worth IDR 7 billion in cooperation was an agreement between the suspect IW and a businessman from Bali.
"Their cooperation lasted for three years, starting at the end of 2020", he said.
In their agreement, continued Teddy, IW agreed to share the profits in running the rental business of 16 units of the victim's four-wheeled vehicle.
"The profit sharing is per year", he said.
However, said Teddy, until March 2022, the victim did not receive the benefits promised by IW. "So, since the agreement at the end of 2020, the victim has received nothing", he added.
This is the basis for the victim in March 2022 forcibly withdrawing 12 units of his four-wheeled vehicle from IW.
"For the other four units, the victim pulled from the pawnshop. So, it was revealed that IW pawned the victim's car", said Teddy.
Teddy emphasized that this car embezzlement case has not yet been entered into a civil case but rather leads to a criminal act of embezzlement.
"That's why the victim immediately reported it to us. After we handled it, we found evidence that confirmed the elements of an unlawful act. So, we named the person concerned (IW) as a suspect and continued to be detained at the NTB Police Detention Center", said Teddy.
2022 MotoGP Ticket Case
Then, related to the case of fraudulent sales of MotoGP 2022 tickets, the victim suffered a loss of IDR 65 million. The victim reported IW to the police because the tickets she bought from IW could not be exchanged during registration with the organizing committee.
The NTB Police attempted to resolve the issue through restorative justice (RJ).
"However, this suspect cannot recover the victim's loss. The victim refuses to contact RJ. That's why this fraud case is still ongoing, the prosecutor is still investigating. Just waiting for instructions", he said.
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