JAKARTA - PT Transport Jakarta (TransJakarta) revealed that there were 664 complaints related to the balance on the electronic money card (KUE) which was deducted twice when tap-in-tap-out.
"TransJakarta has received various complaints. Currently, there are 664 complaints submitted," said Transjakarta Corporate Secretary Division Head Anang Rizkani Noor in his statement, Tuesday, October 25.
Anang said that the complaint was followed up by contacting the customer to ask for information.
Customers are asked for information about the chronology of events along with their contact identities. The data, he said, became Transjakarta's reference in handling customer complaints.
"Of the 664 complaints, 353 have responded and have been given replacement cards. While 12 customers have refused to provide data, while the remaining 299 have not responded," he said.
So far, said Anang, Transjakarta will continue to process complaints submitted to customers if the reports can be verified.
Meanwhile, PT Jaklingko Indonesia has also followed up on 38 percent of the total customer complaints regarding KUE balances that were deducted twice when tap-in-tap-out on the same trip.
"For handling by JLI, customers are asked to contact via WhatsApp message via customer service number 081260001441," he said.
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