GORONTALO - The Gorontalo Police Directorate of Drugs detained a state civil servant (ASN) of the Gorontalo Regency Government and two other people with the initials YAT, AD, and EH because they were caught abusing drugs.

"During the arrest of YAT, officers in the field managed to find a pack of methamphetamine which was stored in his cigarette pack", said Head of the Gorontalo Police Headquarters AKP Heny Mudji Rahayu in Gorontalo, Thursday, July 14.

Heny explained that the arrest of the three perpetrators began when the suspect YAT was arrested in Mongolato Village, Telaga District, Gorontalo Regency.

From YAT's confession, the methamphetamine was obtained from the suspect AD alias Angko in Hungayonaa Village, Tilamuta District, Boalemo Regency. AD admitted that the methamphetamine was ordered by suspect YAT and suspect EH.

"When interrogated, AD again admitted that the narcotics were ordered again from EH. Furthermore, the police immediately secured Evras (EH) at his home in Hungayonaa Village. From EH's statement, he ordered the illicit goods from Palu, Central Sulawesi", he explained, quoted by Antara.

The evidence, in this case, is a small plastic bag of methamphetamine weighing 0.2065 grams which has been examined and tested at BPOM Gorontalo.

"From the methamphetamine evidence that we have secured, it is evident from the results of the BPOM that it confirms that the item is methamphetamine", said the Head of Sub-Directorate 1 of the Narcotics Directorate Ipda Irwansyah Dali.

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