Horror! Legok Murder Victim's Face Has Many Serious Injuries Due To Sharp Weapons, Including Broken Ribs
Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of South Tangerang Police, Commissioner Adjutant Aldo Primananda Putra/Photo: Jehan/VOI

TANGERANG - The Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Tangerang Police, Commissioner Adjutant Aldo Primananda Putra, said that the body of the victim of the killing of Legok Sand Excavation, Tangerang Regency, suffered from several sharp objects, including broken ribs.

This is based on the results of the autopsy conducted by the Hospital, Tuesday, May 31, yesterday.

"There were injuries resulting from sharp objects, then there were also broken ribs on the right, then there were several bruises on the right, left cheek, and neck," said Aldo when met at the funeral home in the Bojong Nangka area, Kelapa Dua, Regency. Tangerang, Wednesday, June 1st.

For information, a man was found dead in a sack in a sand excavation in Legok Village, Tangerang Regency.

When found, the victim was naked, wrapped in a sack floating on the surface of the water.

Aldo explained that the victim before being dumped into Gawir Lake, Legok sand excavation, Tangerang Regency, had been killed first at his home. This is known after the bloodstains at the victim's residence.

"In the house, because there are many bloodstains and also evidence that shows similarities to the findings of team in the lake," he concluded.

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