SERANG – As many as 10,000 people from various labor and student alliances reportedly held a demonstration in front of the Banten Provincial Government Headquarters (KP3B), Wednesday, January 5. In dealing with the action plan, the Banten Police said they were ready to provide security.

Banten Police Chief Inspector General Pol Dr. Rudy Heriyanto asked the personnel who carry out security to stick to the SOP guidelines. Rudy said, there should be no interpretation that the Banten Police are not ready to secure demonstrations. He said, check again where the positions of the Early Dalmas, Advanced Dalmas, and Late Dalmas are, so that the troop positions are correct in accordance with the SOP.

"In addition to KP3B, so that security is prepared at the Banten Governor's official house, anticipating mass actions to the Governor's official house, so it is important to follow the dynamics of information in the field," said Rudy Heriyanto when conveyed during the Banten Police Routine Anev in the Vicon Room on Tuesday (04/01) morning.

The Banten Regional Police Chief suggested another solution to the mass of workers to be able to use other options other than demonstrations in fighting for an increase in labor wages, namely through a lawsuit in court so that progress can be followed up to a decision.

Meanwhile, Banten Deputy Police Chief Brigadier General Ery Nursatari asked the Serang City Police Chief to provide clear directions to the leadership within the range of security control. So, said Ery, each of them understands where the security position is, how to act and who is responsible for each position, and there is no doubt about the personnel in the security.

In addition, the Banten Deputy Police Chief also asked for the involvement of the Satpol PP in assisting the security of the demonstration. It must also be clear where his position is, who is in charge, and what he does at the security point, and the Serang City Police Chief must give clear directions.

"Public address cars must be placed properly so that they can be used for socialization so that actions are obeyed and orderly and at the same time can be used to give orders centrally from the Serang City Police Chief in the resolution of problems that occur in the field," said Ery Nursatari in a release received on Tuesday, January 4th.

Meanwhile, the Serang City Police Chief plans to check other small doors that can be crossed by the mass of workers, the small doors will be closed to facilitate the management of security in the action in the KP3B area.

The Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Shinto Silitonga, said that the action of workers and students tomorrow is not related to the report by the Governor of Banten Wahidin Halim some time ago regarding the action of workers breaking into his office.

"According to the action notification letter, it is not related to the Banten Governor's LP. But about the demand for an increase in labor wages" Shinto said when confirmed, Tuesday, January 4.

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